

Visions - Common Practice - Legislation, 20. October 2011

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Time/Author: Title of the contribution:
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:10 Conference opening (Klariská ulica 5 / Klariská Street 5)
9:10 - 10:30 Vendor presentations (Klariská ulica 5 / Klariská Street 5)
VELUX Green Lighthouse - Zero Emission Public Building
Schneider-Electric Also Buildings can be Intelligent
SKANSKA Open Garden
CADexpert / Balco, P. Eco Designer + ArchiCAD - Energetická bilancia stavby uz v pociatocnej fáze návrhu
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
09:10 - 10:30 Section A: Ventilation and Heating (Ventúrska ulica 11 / Ventúrska Street 11)
Takács, J. Vykurovacie sústavy do nízkopodlaznej zástavby
Majsniar, V. Controlled Ventilation Systems Applicable in the Present Reconstructions of Buildings
Jurka, J. - Cermák, P. Aplikace vzduchoizolacních soustav v dnesni dobe
Hrebík, P. Reliability of Energy for Residential Buildings
Grofcík, E. - Bielek, M. - Bielek, B. Moderné lahké obvodové steny systému A1 do variantných riešení dvojitých fasád
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:25 Key Presentations (Klariská ulica 5 / Klariská Street 5)
Panzhauser, E. World Population and the Ecological Relationship
Pokorádi, L. Investigation Methods of Building Installation Systems' Uncertainties
Mahdavi, A. - Orehounig, K. - Schuss, M. - Stephanides, A. Indoor Climate in Dwellings with a Humidity-Responsive Ventilation Regime
Bukerová, V. A Road towards Energy Efficient, Environmentally Friendly and Economically Sound Buildings (Possibilities and Challenges of the Slovak and International Green Building Movement)
Hraška, J. Denné osvetlenie v systémoch hodnotenia udrzatelných budov
12:25 - 13:25 Lunch Break (Ventúrska ulica 11 / Ventúrska Street 11)
13:25 - 15:00 Section B: Environmental Assessment of Buildings (Klariská ulica 5 / Klariská Street 5)
Stránská, Z. EIA of Selected External Walls with Help of LCA Method
Mahdavi, A. - Morishita, N. - Orehounig, K. Indoor Environment and Energy Performance of Kindergartens with Different Thermal Design Standards
Hofer, G. - Pongratz, M. The positive Impact of Life Cycle Cost Calculations in the Early Design Phase on Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings
Espinosa, D. - Mahdavi, A. - Pont, U. - Sommer, B. Indoor Environment, User Evaluation and Energy Use in a "Passivhaus" Student Dormitory
Pilipová, I. Perceived Discomfort in Intelligent Buildings
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:55 Section C: Energy Assessment of Buildings (Klariská ulica 5 / Klariská Street 5)
Vytlacil, D. Model implementace opatrení ke snízení spotreby energie v budovách
Mahdavi, A. - Pont, U. - Sommer, B. Sources of Uncertainty in Compilation of Energy Certificates
Múcka, M. Energy Performance of Wooden Houses
Hrubý, M. Energy Management in Data Centers
Húštava, Š. Turbulence as an Interesting Phenomenon at Wind Action Investigation on the Buildings + Wind Tunnel at the STU in Bratislava
16:55 - 17:10 Coffee Break
17:10 - 18:00 Section D: Architectural Aspects of Environmentally Friendly Design (Klariská ulica 5 / Klariská Street 5)
Oravcová, E. Photovoltaic Systems as an Integral Part of Building and Clean Energy Source
Petráková, Z. Environmentálne a ekonomické aspekty výberu technického riešenia stavebných objektov
Minarovicová, K. Selected Aspects of Residential Buildings Renovation
Urlandová, A. Colour and the Built Environment as a Socially Conditioned Phenomenon - Quality Judgments and Social Issues
Minarovicová, K. - Rabenseifer, R. Comments to Slovak Building Code
13:25 - 15:00 Section E: Building Simulation in Sustainable Design (Ventúrska ulica 11, Ventúrska street 11)
Janák, M. Building Simulation for Sustainable Building Assessment
Šikula, O. Pocítacové modelováni tepelne aktivovaných konstrukcí
Tomašovic, P. Súcasný trend vývoja revízie normy STN 73 0532
Kalousek, M. - Partika, R. Vnitrni prostredi ve školách
Ponechal, R. Thermal and visual shopping mall environment improvement by skylight shading
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:55 Section F: Heat Transfer and Building Materials I. (Ventúrska ulica 11, Ventúrska street 11)
Blahová, P. Thermal Conductivity Measuring of Hemp Insulation
Kierulfová, Z. – Ruzicka, J. Slamená izolácia - prípadová štúdia prestavby do pasívneho štandardu - Pozární odolnost nosných obvodových konstrukcí s vyuzitím slámy
Brzon, R. - Ostrý, M. Závislost lineárního cinitele a povrchové teploty na ekvivalentní tepelné vodivosti ISO nosníku.
Beneš, M. Modeling of Heat Storage in the Soil
Klubal, T. - Ostrý, M. Sadrová omítka modifikovaná PCM jako pasivní chlazení vnitrního prostredí
16:55 - 17:10 Coffee Break
17:10 - 18:00 Section G: Heat Transfer and Building Materials II. (Ventúrska ulica 11, Ventúrska street 11)
Halúzová, D. Experimentálne meranie materiálov s fázovou zmenou v twin-boxoch
Partika, R. - Kalousek, M. Reseni nestacionarniho teplotniho pole v zemine u zakladovych konstrukcii
Klimek, K. Effect of Glazing on the Thermal Stability
Iringová, A. Medzipriestory v štruktúre fasád bytových domov
Mikle, S. - Bielek, M. Double Skin Façades in Modern Architecture
18:00 End of the Conference


Abstract submission:


Information on abstract acceptance:

July 10, 2011


September 30, 2011

Submission of final contributions:

September 30, 2011

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